Caroline Brewster

Caroline Brewster

Caroline Brewster

Ok here goes.... I can remember from my early childhood of many spiritual experiences, very detailed dreams, situations I would see about to happen.  I used to tell my parents, I see people in my room and they talk to me, but no one believed me and always said "there's nothing there, just your imagination" at the time I believed that but still couldn't understand why it was happening.  I hated school and always felt out of place like no one understood me, as I was so sensitive with people's emotions and feelings.  I supposed I blocked my gift for some time until I got a bit older and I found myself very interested in ghost stories, documentaries and loved going to mediumship evenings.

When I seperated with my ex-husband things really did change and this was my spiritual awakening.  I was 32 years old and I found myself talking to a lot of people who were spiritual.  I then sat in a circle for a couple of years to help me to understand what I needed to do and how to work properly with spirit.  I learnt Reiki, which really helped with being able to heal animals and people.

I started a couple of nights a week reading tarot cards for people and things gradually got busier and I then got the confidence to start with platform work.

I bumped into Brenda a few times and fate brought us together to work with spirit and we work so well together on our evenings.  It's all about timings and what is meant for us and this happened when it was meant to.

I have been working for spirit now for over 13 years and I love every minute of it, being able to communicate with other people's loved ones and to also bring support and comfort to people that need it.

I will carry on doing what I love best.      Caroline xx